International,News items,Politics

DWARS at the congress of Federation of Young European Greens (FYEG)!

26 May 2023

From 10 to 14 May was the annual General Assembly (congress) of the Federation of Young European Greens (FYEG). Anne, Chandler and Luna went to Barcelona on behalf of DWARS. They wrote a short report here over!


DWARS is a member of FYEG, which is a European umbrella organisation of political youth organisations. As with DWARS, here is a congress, where amendments, resolutions and sub other new board members are elected. This year, this congress was in Barcelona, organised by FYEG in collaboration with Joves Ecosocialistes (the Young Greens of Catalonia).


It was an intensive week, which had involved a lot of work. DIRT (DWARS International Representatives Team) has spent weeks worked on writing resolutions. We ended up with two tabled, the first on agricultural lobbying and the second on the right to demonstrate. These texts will soon appear on the website of At the GA, there were sessions where these resolutions were discussed and people could submit amendment proposals. By working together you hope to convince as many people as possible before your resolution to vote.


Throughout the week, there were also other activities, such as workshops. Here we brainstormed for the campaign for the European Parliamentary elections in May 2024. There were also panels between local and European politicians, these were very interesting.


The last day was the most exciting. Resolutions were voted on and there were many elections. Our resolutions were both unanimous (with no dissenting votes) passed! We are extremely proud of everyone who contributed to this. There were also elections for the Executive Committee (board), Secretary General, EcoSprinter (the magazine of FYEG) and the treasury committee. There are an awful lot of DWARSers elected! Thus, Srishagon is in the board, but Klāvs (member of DIRT) was also elected. In addition, Lovisa (also a member of DIRT) elected to the editorial board of Ecosprinter. We are here very proud of and wish you every success!


From the 10th till the 14th of May the annual General Assembly (congress) of the Federation of Young European Greens (FYEG) took place. Anne, Chandler, and Luna went to Barcelona on behalf of DWARS. They wrote a short article about this!


DWARS is a member of FYEG, the European umbrella organisation for Young Green organisations. Similar to DWARS they have a congress, where members vote on amendments, resolutions and positions, for example on the Executive Committee (board). This year the congress was in Barcelona, organised by FYEG in collaboration with Joves Ecosocialistes (the young greens of Catalonia).


It was an intensive week, preceded by a lot of hard work. DIRT (DWARS International Representatives Team) worked on the resolutions for weeks. In the end we submitted two resolutions, one about agricultural lobby and the second about the right to protest. These texts will appear on the website of soon. During the GA there were sessions where these resolutions were discussed, and people could propose amendments. By working on these resolutions together, you try to convince as many people as possible to vote for your resolution.


Throughout the week there were also other activities, such as workshops. During one of these we brainstormed on the campaign vor the European Elections that will take place in May 2024. Besides this, there were informative panels between local and European politicians.


The last day was the most exciting. The resolutions were voted on and there were many elections. Both of our resolutions were adopted unanimously (no votes against)! We are very proud of all the people who worked on these resolutions! Besides this there were elections for the Executive Committee (board), the Secretary General, EcoSprinter (the magazine) and the financial control and advisory committee. Many DWARSers were elected! Shrishagon got re-elected for the Executive Committee, and Klāvs (member of DIRT) got elected for the first time! Besides this, Lovisa (also a member of DIRT) got elected for the editorial office of Ecosprinter. We are very proud of you and wish you the best of luck!

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