International,News items,Politics

DWARS at European Greens election rally

14 May 2024

On 3 May, the European Greens organised an election rally in Brussels. On behalf of DWARS, Rick, Luna, Pepijn and Judith attended. This rally was entirely dedicated to the European elections taking place in June. European Greens from all over Europe gathered in Brussels to prepare for these elections.

The meeting featured speeches by several key politicians from the green movement. Among others, we listened to Belgian minister Petra de Sutter, French politician Melanie Vogel, and more candidates from all kinds of EU countries. Also, the pointe candidates (the list leaders) of the European Greens Terry Reintke and our own Bas Eickhout inspiring speeches.

The message of the evening was clear: the climate crisis is the top priority for the European Greens. The Greens will fight for a Green Social Deal that protects our planet while ensuring the livelihoods of all citizens in the EU. These goals are under more pressure than ever this year, with the rise of the far-right, which is precisely why it is so important to get involved now and go to the polls in June.

Between all the speeches, there was also plenty of space to connect with other attendees, including other GroenLinks members and young Greens from across Europe.

Retrieved from 6 June European elections take place in the Netherlands. Would you like to help with the campaign? Then take a look at this page!

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