7 Ways to help in times of coronavirus
24 March 2020The coronavirus has left many people sitting at home, while crucial sectors like services and healthcare are working overtime. Many people are keen to help do their bit: a lot of initiatives have been set up recently. Wondering how you too can help? Over the next week, we will put a spotlight on an initiative every day.
1 Just people, wanting to help people.
A week ago, when universities were closing down, a number of students joined forces to set up this website. The idea is simple: enter your postcode, and let your neighbours know that you can offer or need help. You can offer or request anything: shopping, babysitting or arranging transport for someone.
Check out the initiative via: justmensendiemenswillenhelpen.nl
2 Cows & calves
Many people are losing social contact due to the virus outbreak. The elderly in particular, who are also part of the risk group, are at risk of social isolation. This initiative has come up with a solution: pairing elderly people (cows) with a student (calf) to have a chat about, er, cows and calves once in a while.
Signing up as a calf (or giving up a cow) can be done via cow-calf.info!
3 Thanks to care
Let the people in care know that you appreciate their work! Day and night they dedicate themselves to the health of the Netherlands, and that is definitely worth a compliment. You can give a digital heart to the care bearers of the Netherlands via: dankaandezorg.co.uk
4 Ready 2 Help
Ready2Help is the civilian network of the Red Cross. In emergencies, volunteers get involved by helping people around them. With the COVID-19 outbreak, this can be done, for example, by informing vulnerable people about prevention and protection. If the Red Cross needs your help, you will receive a message with a call.
Are you ready to help too? You can sign up via redcross.co.uk
5 NLvoorelkaar
NLvoorelkaar is the largest volunteer network in the Netherlands. On the platform, you can both search for and offer help. Recently, all kinds of ways to corona help have also been added, such as grocery shopping, online tutoring, or sending a card.
Curious? Check out the platform via: nlvoorelkaar.nl
6 Bear hunting
Many children can only play outside to a limited extent because of the corona virus: the advice is to stay at home as much as possible. To make these walks more fun, an intiative has been launched: # bear hunt. Put a teddy bear (or a drawing of one) behind your window so children can go on a scavenger hunt in the neighbourhood!
A map of bears throughout the Netherlands can be find here. Wondering where our AJ is at the moment? Then also follow DWARS Gelderland on social media!
7 The Food Bank
The food banks could also use your help! There is less food left in supermarkets and restaurants, and (perishable) foodstuffs are being hoarded a lot in people's homes. In addition, many of the volunteers working at the food bank cannot help because they fall under the risk group. You can help by donating food or money, or volunteering.
What kind of help the food bank can best use varies by location: check for that the website From the Association of Dutch Food Banks.