Candidates' Committee
At the summer congress, the national board of DWARS, the editor-in-chief of AboutDWARS and part of the advisory board will be elected, and at the winter congress, the other part of the advisory board. Candidates for these positions will interview with the candidates' committee (KaCie) before the congress. The opinions written by the candidates' committee based on these interviews serve to inform the congress. In this way, members can make an informed choice at the congress.
The current Candidates' Committee consists of the following members:
(Appointed at Winter Congress 2024)
- Elise Renkema
- David Tempelman
- Arthur Eveleens
- Max Rietberg
- Laura Adriaansen
(Appointed at the Summer Congress 2024)
- Iris Vergeer
- Marieke Zomerdijk
- Sheila Guha Thakurta
The Candidates' Committee can be reached at