Apply for the PJO Parliament
05 April 2019Do you like debating and would you like to do so in the Lower House? Can you negotiate well and come up with creative compromises? Or would you like to learn how? Then sign up for the PJO Parliament! As a DWARS team, you will discuss and reach agreements with young people from other PJOs (political youth organisations), such as the SGP-J and the Young Democrats. You will then get to debate these agreements in the plenary hall of the Lower House! Will you soon be sitting in the chair of Jesse Klaver or Kathelijne Buitenweg? The event is a great opportunity to learn how politics works in practice, and to meet young people from other political organisations. An experience you won't soon forget!
The track consists of three parts:
Preparation night 1:
9 May 16:30 to 21:30 - First meeting + dinner + training
Preparation night 2:
3 June 16:30 to 21:30 - Second meeting + dinner + training
PJO Parliament:
27 June Late afternoon and evening - Initial negotiations + Overnight stay in The Hague
28 June Full day - Continued negotiations + Plenary debate + Dinner
Accommodation, breakfast, lunch and dinner are all provided by the organisation. For this course, we ask a contribution of €10. If this amount is too high for you, please contact Then the treasurer can look for a solution together with you.
Does this look like fun to you? Then please send 17 April A cover letter to political secretary Wouter Ubbink (wouter[at] Put in this why you want to participate, what experience you already have in debating and whether you are available all the days indicated. Experience is not necessary for this course, everyone is eligible to participate. We are looking for experienced debaters, as well as those who still have a lot to learn. Attendance at the event itself is a requirement.
Enthusiastic? Apply now!