Anne at the congress of the European Green Party (EGP)!
07 June 2023On 3 and 4 June was an extra congress of the European Green Party (EGP). Anne went with the GroenLinks delegation to Vienna on behalf of DWARS. She wrote a short report on this!
DWARS is a member of the Federation of Young European Greens (FYEG), which is a European umbrella organisation of political youth organisations. As we are members of this, GroenLinks is a member of the EGP. With many of these parties, they are in a 'family' in the European Parliament. Like DWARS, the EGP organises congresses, where amendments, resolutions are voted on and new candidates are elected to various positions. This spring's congress was in Vienna, organised by the EGP in cooperation with Die Grünen (the Greens of Austria).
It was another busy weekend. The GroenLinks delegation took the overnight train to Vienna on Thursday evening, arriving in the morning. Around lunchtime, the congress started. This congress was an extra congress, focused on preparations for the European Parliament elections that will take place in May 2024. Only a small number of resolutions were discussed, defining, for instance, how and which candidates will receive support during the campaign. FYEG also tabled several resolutions, in which they made clear the need to work on diversity among these candidates and also to prepare young candidates as well as possible for the elections.
There were other sessions during the weekend, including a panel on the 'Just transition', a just transition to a climate-neutral society. In this, local politicians, as well as Mélanie Vogel, one of the co-chairs of the EGP, spoke.
On both days, there were again CAS (Compromise Amendment Sessions) sessions. This is where the proposers of the resolutions, together with other parties, look for a way to all vote in favour of the resolutions. Finally, these resolutions were voted on Sunday afternoon. They were all passed by a large majority and will soon be available on the EGP's website should you be interested in them. New parties were also admitted to this group. For instance, two new green parties have joined from Portugal, one from Slovenia and one from Hungary. So our green family is getting bigger and bigger and we are becoming more visible in European politics!
It was very special to be able to attend this weekend on behalf of DWARS. There were many young people from other parties who are also members of FYEG and it was nice to talk again after the FYEG congress in Barcelona. The enthusiasm for green politics in our generation is motivating and always great to see!
On the 2nd and 3rd of June the congress of the European Green Party (EGP) took place. Anne went to Vienna with the GroenLinks delegation on behalf of DWARS. She wrote a short article about this!
DWARS is a member of the Federation of Young European Greens (FYEG), which is the European umbrella organisation for Young Green organisations. Just like we are members of this organisation, GroenLinks is a member of the EGP. Together with many of these parties they make part of the green 'family' in the European Parliament. Similar to DWARS they have a congress, where members vote on amendments, resolutions and positions. This spring the congress was in Vienna, organised by the EGP in collaboration with Die Grünen (the greens of Austria).
It was another busy weekend. The delegation of GroenLinks took the night train on Thursday night and therefore we arrived in Vienna the morning. The congress officially started around lunchtime. This congress was an extra congress, focused on the preparations of the European Elections that will take place in May 2024. Only a small amount of resolutions was discussed, for example focused on how and which candidates would be supported for these elections. FYEG also submitted multiple resolutions, in which they highlighted that there should be a focus on diversity within this group of candidates and that young candidates also need to receive help during the preparation for these elections.
During the weekend there were other sessions as well, for example a panel on the Just Transition, which implies a justified transition to a climate neutral society. During this panel both local politicians and Mélanie Vogel, co-chair of the EGP, discussed this topic.
On both days there were many CAS (Compromise Amendments Sessions). During such sessions the submitter of the resolutions collaborate with the other parties to find a way to all vote in front of the resolution. On Sunday afternoon all of the final resolutions were voted on. They were all passed with a large majority and should be available on the website of the EGP soon, in case you are interested in them. Besides this, other parties were admitted to the EGP. Two new green parties from Portugal joined, along with one from Slovenia and one from Hungary. This way our green family is growing constantly, allowing us to become more visible in European politics!
It was very special to attend this weekend in the name of DWARS. There were many other young people from other parties, many of whom are also a member of FYEG and it was nice to speak to them again after the FYEG General Assembly in Barcelona. The enthusiasm for green politics in our generation is motivating and always good to see!