Editorial at OverDWARS

AboutDWARS is DWARS's critical independent online membership magazine, GroenLinkse Youth. Besides interviews, opinion pieces and other serious articles, we aim to provide space for light-hearted content. We do all this with our diverse editorial team, regular writers and submissions. We are always looking for new people and great ideas.

What does an editorial board member do?

What you will do as an editorial board member is entirely up to you. Are you fluent in the pen and can express your opinion in a catchy article? Do you enjoy creating graphics and are you good at editing photos? Or do you know a lot about social media and want to contribute to maintaining an internal discussion platform? Then OverDWARS is looking for you.

Contact with OverDWARS

Send a mail to over@dwars.org and tell us what you enjoy doing and what you like to write about. We would like to invite you to drop by during our editorial meetings.