Committee chair: this position is open! See the jobs page.
Committee secretary: this position is open! See the jobs page.
Responsible board member: Soesha Sandker,
What does the committee deal with?
Nature, Space & Environment is a diverse committee working on issues of nature, habitat, food, climate and spatial planning. Last time, we dealt with many different topics. For instance, we organised a theme night on climate refugees, the water boards, nitrogen, water rights and held a pub quiz on palm oil. We also produced quite a bit! We wrote four articles on veganism for our own magazine (OverDWARS) and created our own hallmark quartet game. You can always count on sociability too: we recently watched a documentary together about the important role soil plays in the fight against climate change and we often eat together for (physical) meetings (vegan).
What is the current theme?
We are currently organising an event on nitrogen with the substantive Economy and Energy, Sustainability & Mobility committees. We are also working as a committee to organise a physical visit to different farmers to gain more knowledge about their work.
What can you contribute?
We meet about once every fortnight. During these meetings, we have substantive discussions and discuss what is currently happening in politics. Our committee includes people with diverse (study) backgrounds. This way, we learn from each other's different perspectives on social and political issues. Your input is welcome!
When do we meet?
There are currently no meetings scheduled. Would you like to drop by sometime? Then send an e-mail to