DWARS for Internationals
What is DWARS?
DWARS, GroenLinkse Jongeren is the Dutch independent political youth organisation affiliated with GroenLinks. GroenLinks ("GreenLeft") is the green party in the Netherlands. We believe in a green, social and free society for everyone. The objective of our organisation is to familiarise young people with politics in a fun and engaging way. Furthermore, we try to influence Dutch politics through our contact with Groenlinks, the media and political actions.
I am an International, how can I become involved in DWARS?
DWARS has several committees that follow political developments on a particular theme, such as the 'Energy, Sustainability & Mobility', and 'Art, Culture & Media'. These committees are called 'substantive committees'. There are also several organisational committees (organisational committees). These committees are responsible for things like campaigns during election periods and organising fun activities. The working language in these committees is primarily Dutch, but if you are interested you can always send them an email! The members are willing to help you out.
Many places in the Netherlands have their own local DWARS branch. DWARS members are kind and interested people who usually speak English quite well. The social activities of branches are therefore an easy way of getting to know your fellow DWARS'ers. Joining political activities can be a bit more difficult since they are primarily Dutch spoken but be sure to check out fun activities like afternoon drinks or political actions. You can send an e-mail to your local DWARS branch ('branch name'@dwars.org) to let them know you, a non-Dutch speaking person, will be attending so they can welcome you.
If you have any questions you can reach out to Soesha Sandker through soesha@dwars.org
Become a member
For only 10 euros per year, you can become a member of DWARS. As a member you can discuss national and international politics in committees, get involved in regional politics, join in on the fun activities such as the annual gala and international trips, and much more! If you want to pay more than 10 euros per year, you can do so through our donation page.