Response by DWARS and Young Socialists to member referendum result
17 July 2023The Labour Party and GroenLinks are linking up, with a joint election programme, list and list leader. As youth organisations, we are proud of this. Where the right is increasingly divided, we show the Netherlands that there is a joint progressive answer. The two parties will have to strengthen each other. After years of neoliberal policies, it is time for idealism and a strong sound on the left; a bright red and bright green sound! The youth organisations are ready to make that voice heard.
Indeed, the problems of young people are dire. We are the first generation to have it visibly less than their parents. This is due, among other things, to housing shortages, high student debt, unequal opportunities in education and increasing performance pressure. Many young people are also worried. Being able to be yourself in the Netherlands is under increasing pressure. In addition, LGBT rights are still not self-evident. We also see the consequences of the climate crisis on a daily basis, both internationally and in our own country.
All these problems require a united left and progressive response. The housing shortage is the result of neoliberal market forces and can be changed. Our generation needs to be compensated for the consequences of the loan system and to combat inequality, we need to invest in education. As young people, we will always stand up for LGBT rights and that everyone is allowed to be fully themselves. The transition to a more sustainable Netherlands is incredibly important. This change can and should work to people's advantage, even if they have a bit less to spend. This is how we ensure that a greener Netherlands is supported. After all, a left-wing social policy, can no longer exist without sustainability!
As youth organisations, we find that confidence in politics is low among many young people. This is not surprising given the past few years. We are now facing a turning point, an opportunity to do things differently. DWARS and the Young Socialists are ready to make that turning point a reality.
But we can't do it alone. Do you want to help campaign? Sign up for a campaign committee in your department, or apply here for the national campaign committee. Together we make the left the biggest!