Do you want to influence GroenLinks's election programme?
09 October 2020Op 10 oktober maakt GroenLinks hun concept verkiezingsprogramma bekend. De inhoudelijke commissies van DWARS gaan amendementen schrijven om punten in het verkiezingsprogramma te wijzigen.
DWARS kent negen inhoudelijke commissies, die elke twee tot drie weken vergaderen. Commissies houden zich bezig met allerlei thema’s; dus er is altijd wel een commissie die bij jou past!
Als GroenLinks het verkiezingsprogramma heeft gepubliceerd moeten we natuurlijk zorgen dat het verkiezingsprogramma zo DWARS mogelijk wordt. DWARS heeft op sommige vlakken een andere of radicalere mening dan GroenLinks. Op 19 december is het online programmacongres waarop het verkiezingsprogramma officieel wordt vastgesteld. Op dat congres kunnen leden amendementen indienen op het programma. De inhoudelijke commissies van DWARS gaan amendementen schrijven op hun eigen thema.
Je kunt je altijd aansluiten bij een commissie. Normaal gesproken eten de commissies voorafgaand aan de vergadering samen. Als je langs wilt komen bij de commissie kun je een mailtje sturen aan de commissievoorzitter.
Below you can read what each committee is involved in. Click on the link to read more about the committee that interests you most!
Money plays a big role in the world, perhaps too big a role. At the Economy Committee all kinds of different topics related to this are discussed, such as taxes, the Euro, or basic income. Of course, we also talk about our economy in general and thus things like flex work, self-employed people and pensions.
Energy, Sustainability & Mobility
How long can we continue with our limited amounts of resources and energy? At the Committee on Energy, Sustainability and Mobility we are working on our future! We are talking about our energy in the future, as well as how we will travel from A to B in 10-twenty years.
Integratie, Emancipatie & Diversiteit
Everyone deserves to have equal opportunities and rights. As commissie Integratie, Emancipatie en Diversiteit we think it is important that you can be yourself and express yourself however you want. We talk at our meetings about how new Dutch people can most easily feel at home in our country and about means by which minorities can feel more heard.
The Netherlands is small and many problems we cannot solve alone. At International Committee we then also talk about how to solve big problems like the climate crisis together with others. We talk about international politics in general and special or important events internationally.
Natuur, Milieu & Landbouw
Our nature, environment and climate is under pressure. At the commissie Natuur, Milieu en Landbouw we look for solutions to tackle this problem. We talk about all kinds of issues that fall under this. From food to clean water, or animal rights to wildlife management.
A fair society starts with equal opportunities in education. How do we raise the quality of our education and for fair testing? As Education committee we are not only talking about students or the debt system, but also about our social education and science.
Privacy & Technology
Society is becoming increasingly complicated in the digital age and we are worried about our privacy. At the Privacy and Technology Committee we discuss the power of big tech companies like Facebook and Google. We also talk about technological developments such as the rise of artificial intelligence.
Law & Democracy
A free, just democracy is the basis for an orderly society. At the Law and Democracy Committee we talk about our rule of law and the accessibility of our democracy. We talk about rehabilitation of prisoners, among other things, as well as issues such as referendums and voting age.
Care & Wellness
Care is the government's biggest expense and the sector is still struggling with all kinds of problems. Especially with more and more elderly people and thus an ageing population, our welfare state is under pressure. At the Care and Welfare Committee we cover all kinds of topics that concern our care and well-being, such as rising medicine costs, or informal and youth care.