Solving the climate crisis

To really tackle the climate crisis, we need to look beyond borders. The climate crisis is a global crisis - a crisis exacerbated mainly by the Netherlands and Europe, by our past and present of (neo)colonialism leading to exploitation and destruction of local ecosystems. Therefore, we need to be intersectional and decolonial to truly address the climate crisis. We must acknowledge our guilt and take responsibility to solve the crisis globally. We have the resources, capacity, skills and people to solve the climate crisis in the Netherlands and around the world through the three arrows of climate policy: climate mitigation, climate adaptation and losses and damages. That means fighting climate change, but also working for a world in which we can adapt to climate change, prevent climate damage as much as possible and make a major contribution to those responsible for climate change. Both large polluting companies and governments must take responsibility for their significant and historic share. Together, we can strive for a greener, safer and healthier world.